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Get Involved with SER

Members of the restoration community benefit when they can connect at the local, regional, and international level. Our goal is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge, prepare the next generation of restorationists, engage global members of the restoration community, and catalyze new partnerships through our network. SER’s 5,000+ members are spread across more than 100+ countries and six continents. A great way to connect, learn, and share your expertise is by engaging in our world conference, or with one of Chapters, Sections or Student Associations. You can also connect with other members through our Member Directory, or our online community forum. 


Open Doors Program
SER believes ecological restoration should be a collaborative, inclusive process involving all societal sectors. However, SER's membership dues, certification fees, and conference costs can be prohibitive barriers. The Open Doors Program mitigates this by offering discounts, enabling broader participation in SER activities and the global restoration community.
Regional Chapters
Chapters are a great way to add value to your membership. Led by dedicated volunteers, SER's 16 Chapters focus on local issues and give members the opportunity engage with other restoration professionals in their region through conferences, pub talks, field trips, and workshops.
Sections connect researchers, practitioners, and policy makers working on similar issues in the field of restoration ecology - currently SER has three sections focused on natural regeneration, seed-based and landscape restoration.  
Student Associations
SER’s Student Association Program enables students to come together and connect with both budding and seasoned restoration professionals. Organized and run entirely by student members, student associations provide a means for emerging professionals to organize hands-on activities in their own communities and pursue professional development opportunities.
Member Directory
SER's Member Directory available on our members-only online community SER Connect allows current members to connect through area of expertise, biome, or geographic region of interest. 
Active members of the Society have access to a variety of other networking options, including short and long-term volunteer positions and a new micro-community option. Micro-communities are highly focused on a current or projected restoration issue of interest.

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