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SER E-Learning Course: Overview of the Practice of Ecological Restoration

Full Course


Module 1: Introduction

Module 2: Stakeholder Engagement and Many Types of Knowledge

Module 3: Native Reference Ecosystems and Environmental Change

Module 4: Supporting and Assessing Ecosystem Recovery

Module 5: Highest Level of Recovery Attainable

Module 6: Recognizing and Planning for Cumulative Value at Large Scales and Along a Continuum of Restorative Activities

Module 7: Standards of Practice

Module 8: Selection of Seeds and Other Propagules for Restoration


Course Editors: George Gann, Bethanie Walder, Levi Wickwire
Course Adaptation: Jen Lyndall
Acknowledgements:  All members of the Science and Policy Committee and authors of the various documents referred to herein


Please note: If you are applying for certification you will need to view the course and complete the course assessment on the Intuto website. Email us if you have any questions about the new website.

Testimonials from Our Beta Testers:

"I am impressed with the quality of the training modules. Very well done!"

-Mickey Marcus


"Well done. The definition [of restoration] matters more than ever, especially with so many activities being considered 'restoration' but perhaps not."

-Alex Hackman


"I found the e-learning course to be very professional and contain great content and references. It’s obviously a quick overview but covers all the relevant topics fairly succinctly. I was even informed about several core SER documents that I was unaware of. It was a good refresher and useful to CERPs and CERPITs."

-Joshua Tallis


"The E-learning course provides a good summary of the status of ecological restoration, recognizing that the field of ecological restoration is a young science and is therefore changing as we learn more about ecosystem recovery systems and processes.  It is useful for the E-learning tool to evolve as we develop new systems for the recovery of disturbed sites."

-David Polster


"I found that the Overview of the Practice of Ecological Restoration on-line course was a good overview and summation of the documents referenced and will go back to the course for further review and as a reference. I know SER is working on developing its on-line Course Library and it is an excellent start."


Version: May 2017

Copyright © 2017 by the Society for Ecological Restoration.  All rights reserved. This video or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.
