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Incident Reporting Guidelines

Please reach out to a SER staff member if someone makes you or anyone else feel unsafe or unwelcome, or if you have any concerns about inappropriate behavior by any participant. SER event staff will be happy to assist anyone experiencing inappropriate conduct to help enable them to feel safe for the duration of the event.

The following options are provided to serve as avenues for reporting unacceptable behavior:

  • Online: Reporting the behavior via the online form for reporting incidents anonymously at both virtual and in-person events. The online form goes directly to a third party independent reviewer who is not on the SER staff or board, and who will determine next steps and who to notify within SER. Please use the online form especially if this is a serious incident and you want to remain anonymous, though you also have the option to provide your contact information through the online form. If this is not a violation of the Code of Conduct, please do NOT use the online form.
  • In-Person: At an in-person event, staff can be identified by SER badge holders and can be contacted if a situation requires urgent attention.
  • Email: You can also email your concern to directly to, which is monitored by SER's Executive Director.

Please note that in case of an anonymous report, we cannot follow up with you directly, but we will fully investigate the incident and take whatever action is necessary to prevent a recurrence.

All reports will be treated confidentially and seriously, and will be responded to promptly. When taking an in-person report, our staff will ensure you are safe and cannot be overheard. They may involve other event staff to ensure your report is managed properly. Once safe, you will be requested to tell us what happened. You will not be asked to confront anyone and we will not disclose your identity to anyone.


Investigation and consequences
  • Anyone requested to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to comply immediately.
  • SER leadership or security may take any immediate action deemed necessary and appropriate, including removal from the meeting or event without warning or refund.
  • SER, in its sole discretion, will determine the nature of a participant’s conduct that warrants corrective action as well as the corrective actions to be taken.
  • The matter may be referred to the SER Board of Directors for consideration of further consequences, which may include prohibition from attending future meetings and events, or suspension/cancellation of membership within the Society.
  • Once a report is made, a nominated SER ombudsperson (legal representative) will conduct a prompt investigation with the intent of providing quick action on complaints. If the Committee determines – to the best of their ability and at their sole discretion – that a participant has violated any tenets of this Code, appropriate action may be taken by SER to the effect of a warning to the offender or immediate expulsion from the event (including SER online fora) with no refund.
  • When appropriate, the SER ombudsperson(s) may discuss with the complainant options for informally resolving the complaint, including restorative justice practices.
  • If absolutely necessary and at their discretion, SER staff may contact venue security and/or appropriate support agencies.
  • To protect all parties involved, SER will generally not make any detailed public statements about Code of Conduct incidents.

Retaliation is prohibited
  • SER prohibits retaliation against those who engage in reporting activity. (Reporting activities may include but are not limited to the following: complaining or threatening to complain about alleged discrimination, racism or harassment, resisting unwanted advances of any kind, requesting reasonable accommodation dependent on ability, status, or religion.)
  • Conduct that would likely deter an individual from reporting or supporting a claim of harassment or discrimination may constitute retaliation.
  • All information received in connection with the filing, investigation, and resolution of a SER event harassment, discrimination, racism, or retaliation complaint is treated as highly sensitive. SER is committed to protecting the privacy of all reporting parties involved in an incident report.
  • SER staff or ombudspersons or other officers who receive and investigate a complaint are responsible for evaluating requests for confidentiality. It is also expected and anticipated that all parties involved in complaints will observe the same standard of sensitivity. It is emphasized that this practice is in the best interest of all parties; however, depending on the next steps confidentiality will be maintained to the extent that it does not compromise the rights of others and may not be guaranteed.
  • The complainant must understand that SER’s ability to meaningfully investigate the allegation and pursue the disciplinary action against the responding party may be limited in some situations. Therefore, SER will weigh the request of complete confidentiality against SER’s obligations to provide a safe, nondiscriminatory environment for all participants, presenters, vendors, and staff, including the complainant.
Grievance, appeals and questions
  • In the event that the individual is dissatisfied with the results of the investigation, they may appeal to the designated SER staff member who will then direct them to the appropriate next level (e.g. SER DEI Committee, SER Board designee, SER legal counsel) for further mediation and, if needed, additional investigatory measures.


This is a living document

  • The Code is a work in progress, created with the sincere intention to promote diversity and inclusion. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe, equitable, supportive, and collaborative environment for all. Please note that this Code is intended to supplement, but not replace, the SER Code of Ethics.
  • SER intends for these policies to meet the needs of our participants to have positive experiences at our events and in our online community spaces. We welcome comments and suggestions from the community. Please contact if you would like to provide feedback.
  • This Code is a working document managed by the SER Board members and is subject to change and may be revised without further notice.


Approved as of June 2021
