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Partner Journals
In addition to SER’s own journal, Restoration Ecology, we also offer members a discounted subscription to excellent partner publications. You can subscribe to these journals when you join the Society or renew your membership. If you've already paid your membership dues and would like to add a subscription to any of these journals, please contact us.


Ecological Restoration
Published quarterly by the University of Wisconsin Press, Ecological Restoration features articles on a broad range of topics related to the technical, biological, and social aspects of restoring landscapes, and explores issues such as the role of education, land-use policy, the science of collaboration, and evolving theories of post-modern humans and their environment. The journal offers peer-reviewed science articles, perspectives and notes, and book reviews, as well as abstracts of pertinent work published elsewhere.

The annual subscription rate for SER members:

  • Student Print & Online: $42
  • Student Online Only: $39
  • Individual Print & Online: $60
  • Individual Online Only: $50
  • Business (5 online subscriptions and 1 print copy): $150
  • Institutional (10 online subscriptions and 1 print copy): $250

Note: A $40 shipping fee applies to print subscriptions for addresses outside the United States.

Native Plants Journal
Native Plants Journal is a forum for dispersing practical information about planting and growing North American (Canada, Mexico, and the United States) native plants for conservation, restoration, reforestation, landscaping, highway corridors, and related uses. It includes articles that are useful to and understandable by growers and planters of North American native plants and that contribute significantly to the scientific literature. The second issue of each year includes the Native Plant Materials Directory, which provides information about producers of native plant materials in the United States and Canada. Native Plants Journal began in January 2000 as a cooperative effort of the USDA Forest Service and the University of Idaho, with assistance from the USDA Agricultural Research Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.

The annual subscription rate for SER members:

  • Student Print & Online: $35
  • Student Online Only: $30
  • Individual Print & Online: $60
  • Individual Online Only: $55
  • Business (5 online subscriptions and 1 print copy): $115
  • Institutional (10 online subscriptions and 1 print copy): $198

Note: A $31 shipping fee applies to print subscriptions for addresses outside the United States.
